With temperatures dropping over the weekend and with a further chance of snow fall in the coming days we ask our care staff to please be alert whilst out and about on duty and to keep in touch with your regional On Call team.
Business Development Manager Craig Hogg commented,
“Although we are very used to changes in the weather and falling temperatures here in North Wales, we do always ask for our staff to remain vigilant and keep in touch, especially with their on call team during evening care visits.
“Our front-line care staff are brilliant, they just crack on and deliver vital care regardless, but they are always safe in the knowledge that they are supported to do so.
“For example it hasn’t been uncommon with changing weather in recent years for our Managing Director and Senior Care management team to put into action our service continuity plan and literally sleep here at our Head Office in Bangor, during times of extreme snow or plummeting temperatures, in order to support staff out in the field.
“Our focus as always is not only to maintain continuity of service and support the vulnerable people we care for at home, but to also make sure that our excellent people have a voice at the end of the phone if they need one, to help and support them what ever the weather, time of day or month of the year” added Craig.